Friday, April 8, 2011

In the Doldrums of Land Use

by Martin Gavino (Kaisahan Intern)

Firstly “Land use is the human use of land. Land use involves the management and modification of natural environment or wilderness into built environment such as fields, pastures, and settlements.” (Land Use, n.d, par. 1) It is directly involved within the bounds of humanity, the pavement that we walk on everyday, the sidewalks that we stroll by and the earth that we feel underneath our shoes, the sand between our toes and perhaps the very place where you’re reading this article. It involves almost everything “land” bound.

Initially I had no idea what Land Use was all about. It was an alien concept and it would’ve been probably still if not for the NGO (Kaisahan) that I’ve worked in, they opened so many doors towards new ideas that imbibed a sense of liberation in my part it was something worth looking at and to be able to actuate its entire significance was overwhelming. It was indeed germane and it is an issue and still remains as such, that involves everyone and anyone that’s breathing and has concerns over their own wellbeing.

Compared to other countries our situation remains pretty bleak our laws regarding zoning are beyond rigidness, it is an understatement to say that we are not ready. Perchance we are going to die a fiery death when worse comes to worst. Not to appear cynical but if we barely have enough time to focus on other salient issues what will happen towards our Land Use policy proposals? It will gradually, become forgotten and sooner or later will fade into history like all the others that came before them.

Understanding Land Use is as easy as learning how to tie a shoe, at first it was very difficult and you need to completely understand the process before going through the next step. It is a gradual learning through time and will most likely help if one develops the patience to improve their knowledge on such a topic. It creates an even grander scale of thought that would help eradicate the debacles concerning Land Use. It is a topic that can help if used aptly towards constructing awareness and an overall idea of what the problem is, if there is any.

Consequently, our country is of course in need of proper Land Use Planning. It is a country full of islands after all and the only way to get around would be the apt zoning of locations coupled with a good navigator and you’re set. I myself have learned that the fragmentation of this country can actually be detrimental to our national identity. It is literally fragmenting the society. Within this light Land Use planning can help ameliorate certain dilemmas concerning land vis-à-vis establishment agendas and hopefully break the line separating people from each other.

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